6 Reasons Why prayer is important in our Life


Prayer is not only a way to communicate with God but is also a way to connect yourself to the spirit world. Each time we pray, we are able to get release any Negative thoughts and emotional hindrance.


      What is Prayer? 

Prayer is communication. Communication is a relationship. A relationship is a strong connection between two people. Prayer is also conversation.

 A conversation is a meeting between two people. Two people meet each other and they talk about things. They share their thoughts, feelings, ideas, opinions, and experiences.

 Prayer is a conversation between two persons. One person talks to God and the other listens. Both parties listen carefully to hear what the other party has to say.


Why Do We Need To Talk To God?


Talking to God is necessary. Why? Because God loves us. He wants to talk to us. He wants to get to know us. He wants to spend time with us. He wants to be close to us.

 He wants to talk to us because He cares about us. He wants to give us advice. He wants to teach us. He wants to comfort us. He wants to encourage us. He wants to show us mercy. He wants to forgive us. He wants to save us. He wants to make us happy. He wants to bring peace to our hearts. He wants to heal us. He wants to strengthen us. He wants to protect us. He wants to bless us. He wants to provide for us. He wants to take care of us. He wants to watch over us. He wants to keep us safe. He wants to give us good news to us. He wants us to praise Him. He wants us not to worry. He wants us to enjoy ourselves. He wants us to be joyful. He wants us to sing songs of joy. He wants us to laugh. He wants us to dance. He wants us to remember Him. He wants us never to forget Him.

6 Reasons Why Prayer is important in our Life

1.   Prayers are powerful ways to focus our attention on God's word, which means we can use them to make us more aware of the presence of God in our lives and our daily activities. Our prayers can be like a conversation with God, where we speak with God about what is happening in our lives. 

And it was so, that when Solomon had made an end of praying all this prayer and supplication unto the Lord, he arose from before the alter of the Lord, from kneeling on his knees with his hands spread up to heaven.  (1 king 8:54)

And the Lord said unto him, I have heard thy prayer and supplication, that thou hast made before me: I have hallowed this house, which thou hast built, to put my name there forever; and mine eyes and mine heart shall be there perpetually.  (1 kings 9:3)

When we pray we take responsibility for our requests, but there don't just disappear into the void of the universe. Instead, God listens to what we say and decides whether or not is time to act on our request.

2.  Prayer provides a time of solitude where we can be alone with God. Prayer is not only about talking to God. It’s also about being alone with God. When we pray, we can get away from our busy lives and focus solely on God. We can talk to God without distractions. We can ask Him questions and receive answers. We can listen to His voice and hear what He wants us to do.

3.   Praying helps us remember who we are. We are created in the image of God. He loves us and wants us to know him. If we don't know who we are, how can we love ourselves? How can we love others if we don't even love ourselves

4.  Prayer is a way to connect with God. We can say that prayer is our connection to God. When we pray, we are talking to God.

 God wants us to talk to Him. He wants us to communicate with Him. He wants us, His children, to talk to Him. And He wants us to do it often. He says, “Call upon Me in the day of trouble; I shall deliver you, and you shall glorify Me” (Psalm 50:15).

 When we call upon God, we are telling Him what we need. We tell Him how much we love Him, how much we appreciate Him, how much we want to serve Him, and how much we want to obey Him. We ask Him to help us, to guide us, to protect us, and to bless us.

 We can't live without God. But we don't always know how to talk to Him. We may not even know where to start. That's why we need to learn how to pray.

 To learn how to pray, we first need to understand what prayer is. Then we need to know how to pray. Finally, we need to practice praying.

5.  Prayer is a powerful tool to conquer fear. The Holy Bible, states that Jesus Christ is the Lord of all. He is the Son of God and He was sent to earth to save mankind from their sins. In this life, people have many fears, such as fear of death, fear of poverty, fear of sickness, fear of failure, and many others. This can be cured through prayer.

Prayers also help us to conquer our fears because we are praying for God's help in overcoming these fears in each one of us. When we pray for something or someone, it means that we believe that it will happen and that we trust God. 

6.  Prayer is one of the major keys to success. Prayer is a humble way to connect with your higher power and ask for help when you need it most.

The Bible says in Psalm 34:1, "Who can understand his errors? Cleanse thou me from secret faults." The word "cleansing" in this verse means prayer.

When you pray, you are talking to God about your specific needs. Some people believe that if they are faithful in their prayers, then God will answer them. But there is no way to be sure that's true!

If you have a problem, don't just pray about it; ask God how He wants you to solve it! Pray with faith, hope, and love not just because someone told you to do so, but because those are things that He desires for His children.


Prayer is the best way to feel God's presence
Prayer is also to demand from God.
Prayer is a powerful tool to conquer fear, let's learn how to build a prayerful Lifestyle, for the future of our love generations and loved ones. 


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