How to overcome depressions Naturally and Biblically as a Christian

     What is depression?

Depression is a mood disorder that is practically characterized by feelings of sadness, hopelessness, worthlessness, guilt, anger, disturbed sleep, appetite changes, poor concentration, and suicidal thought. Depression can be caused by many factors, including genetics, environmental and chemical imbalance.

   How to deal with Depression Naturally 

  • Eating the right food:  eating the right food helps us to stay healthy, it gives us energy. So if anyone desires to overcome depression naturally, eating the right food is recommendable and advisable to start with.                                                                                                                                     
  • Talk to someone:  talking to someone about your feelings or situations can help you feel less alone. Whenever you are depressed, don't isolate yourself from people, especially Family, friends, and colleagues. You will overcome depression easily by conversing with people who are very close to you. If you are still struggling with depression, consider seeing a therapist that will help you to learn coping strategies to deal with depression.                                         
  •      Exercise Regularly:  regular exercise is good for our body. It helps us to stay fit and healthy. Most people who have been diagnosed with depression, often noticed that they feel much better after exercising regularly.   
  • Rest: Stress can cause anxiety. Most Time you need to take  a break from stressful activities and engagement, so you can  relax and rejuvenate 

       How to overcome depression                                Biblically 

Depression is a real-life situation. It's not a respecter of anybody. It can affect both old and young people. As a Christian, you can overcome depression with this method below.

1. Meditate on God's word 

Meditating on God's swords will help us to think about things deeply. Thinking about things deeply helps us to solve problems. Another good thing about meditating on God's word is that you will always find peace and comfort, that way you can easily overcome depression.

Casting all your care upon him, for he careth for you  (1 Peter 1:5)

2. Pray regularly

Praying is talking to God. When we pray, we communicate with God. Communicating with God helps us to feel safe and relaxed. By communicating with him, we can clear our thoughts and gain clarity about what we want to accomplish. 

Be careful with nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with Thanksgiving let your request be made known unto God (Philippians 4:6) 

3. Read Scriptures  

Reading the scripture will help you understand yourself better and also gives you insight into the mind of God. Reading the scriptures is another means of gaining hope. It reminds us that even though things may feel hopeless right now, God still loves us and want the best from us.

But as touching the resurrection of the dead, have ye not read that which was spoken you by God, saying,  (Matthew 22:31)



Depression is a mental disorder characterized by persistent feelings of sadness and/or loss of interest in activities that were once pleasurable. Depression may cause people to feel sad, hopeless, guilty, worthless, tired, unmotivated, anxious, agitated, restless, and even suicidal.

Causes of depression vary widely, depending on the person. They are many causes of depression including genetics, physical illness, relationship issues, joblessness, and financial difficulties. If you ever find yourself feeling depressed, please apply those methods listed above to overcome them.



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