Love Vs Lust


       Love Vs Lust

The difference between True love and Lust is that true Love follows after the Lord, while lust follows after worldly desires. 

Another difference between love and lust is a lot more than just feeling. Love is more than just being attracted to someone, it’s much more than that. When you fall in love with another person, but don’t feel as if they love you back, it’s easy to assume that there is something wrong with you. You must realize, though, that when two people are in a relationship together they must learn to love each other because the one who loves first will lose the battle of lust. If one person begins to feel more attracted to their partner than themselves, it becomes very difficult for them to overcome this feeling completely and never act on it because this is an illusion of love that makes humans ignore what is truly happening around them.

Love and lust are two opposite choices in life. One is related to giving and the other to taking. When it comes to dealing with lust, it's best to keep your mind on what you're doing, not who you're doing it with or where. Keeping your attention on this Bible passage will help you know what's right and what's wrong when it comes to lust.

Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death. (James 1:15)

Love is not just an emotion, it’s a lifestyle. Lust is a thought process. Lust comes when you think, I will do what I want, whenever I want, and with whoever I want.

Christ came to save us from the bondage of sexual addiction and the bondage of sin. He freed us from slavery to sinful desires.

Love takes time, it doesn't happen the first time. Lust takes everything and ends up with nothing.


I am a Christian. I live in this world, but when I look at the world around me, I see it filled with evil. The love between fellow human beings is damaged and weakened, marriages are falling apart over the pettiest and trivial things, and the greed of man has grown to the point where we have stolen everything from one another and even robbed God himself of glory. How can things be so bad? What can help restore broken relationships and conflicts? I have come to understand that all life is a small part of a larger plan, and when that plan is broken, we must take action to repair it ourselves. The love that Jesus Christ has for you is the only true love there is. It’s not quite like any other kind of love because, it’s unconditional, selfless, and never tires. It doesn’t ask for anything in return, just a desire to give others what they need most. The love you have for others is the same kind of love Jesus has for them—a concern beyond measure that goes beyond our own needs but always centers on theirs.



Lord, forgive me for lusting against you. Forgive my sins and deliver us from the sin of lust. And also protect me from the contagious effect of lust, Guard me against its temptations and deliver me from it. In your mercy, I pray.

Dear God, I'm so grateful for all the incredible gifts you've given us. Thank you for your everlasting love and perfection in my life.

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